Saturday, August 22, 2009

Miami Fashion Photographer on the roof!

Mixing color and fun!

Here we are on location with some new toys in hopes to create a "unique" looking / feeling photograph of our model. Our location is a Miami rooftop facing west at around 5:45PM. A very "dull" and "industrial" look on the roof is made interesting with some special lighting effects.. and a blend of ambient sunset.


22" Beauty dish with 40-degree grid used camera left provided our "key" light and two other AB800's were used for background effects. One was placed about 20 feet camera right pointing at the stairs behind model, with a blue gel.. and the other was camera left in the background giving us a "rim" light on our model, and was also giving us a nice flare off in the sky. All lights were fired using Pocket Wizards, and power was provided by the Vagabond II pack.


This was still daylight when shot, thus I stopped my lens (24-70mm) way down to about f/11 to get a full underexposed frame.. then just feathered back the shutter to get some nice sunset colors off in the sky.. My strobes were used to "overpower" the ambient light, and dominate the frame.

Post Processing:

I was very determined to get the exposure and lighting I wanted right out of the camera.. I succeeded in my goal, with the exception of some "hot spots" from the Beauty dish, and a little punch in contrast..

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Miami headshot photography

On location today with Tom, whom is an actor that just moved from Los Angeles, CA and looking for work here in Miami! Tom has done many commercials over the years, and now is looking into some modeling..

It was a pleasure to work with Tom!


It actually started to rain when we were shooting, and I had to move indoors right away! Lucky, there was a gym near by, and I asked if I could do some shots in the unused racquet ball court.. they said "no problem".. Here is a perfect soft light solution on the run! Four large white walls, what could be better! I placed tom where I wanted him (facing the white walls) and used two strobes bare bulb, bounced off the adjacent walls for some nice soft light. The results were perfect!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Miami Portrait photographer

Today we are going to take a few on location shots of Gabby who has turned 8 months old today! Our setup includes a portable backdrop and two studio lights that was setup in the clients living room. I shot tethered into the MacBook Pro, so we could see how the results were coming along. This was a very fun session and our model was a pleasure to work with!!

Here are a few images edited from the shoot!


1/250 @ f/8 70-mm ISO 100
x2 AB800's both at around 1/4 power with shoot through umbrella's triggered with Pocket Wizards.